Saturday 21 July 2012


               THE BODY NEVER LIES

"The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it’s impossible to turn back”.
Though I found these lines elsewhere in net this proved to be 101%true in my case and I would like to share my journey towards my dream and ofcourse it has a long way to go through.
I had the fascination of having a great body since childhood as I used to see a lot of wrestling programmes and superhero cartoons which changed my mind set for having a great body and it is no fun that I started posing before a mirror as a bodybuilder since I was at an age of 12.
Then I was thinking that taking a pair of dumbbells and curling them for ten minutes is gonna make a good body,,,, I tried it when I was 16 but soon found that there was no changes in my body and I gave a comma to my passion and went ino studies for a period of 3 years. In these 3 years I never touched any weights but also at the same time I had my passion hidden inside me some where.
Then it happened that I joined a dental college to pursue my studies as a dentist and the first 2 yrs of the course ran by without any changes in my body or mind but my desire towards a good physique came out once again when I was 22.
I was a skinny guy weighing 60 kg without any muscle mass and started working out in a local gym with instructor who is not interested in instructing ,,,,I had a very less access to internet at that time and don’t know what to do and what not ,,what to eat and what not. I used to work out for some 45 min daily without any cardio and used to eat whatever I feel like eating.
It has been 3 months and again my mind used to say that there are no changes seen,,,and ofcourse there are no changes seen in my body an once more I called it quits. I lost my motivation again and gave a break for the iron activity for yet other 2 years,,,, I completed my course and returned home.
This is the most important phase of my life which changed my body and mind,,,, I faced a lot of depression and mental anguish during this period due to some personal problems and consequently it showed on my body making me even more skinny of 58kgs at a age of 25 and I used to be very dull and lifeless. I decided to come out of this and I found hitting the iron is the only way. I bagged some fitness gear and this time I went to gym with a motivation and a goal.
But still the journey isn’t over,,, I worked out like hell with a feel that all my depression is running out from me as sweat,,, and I used to feel very light when I finish my workout,,,,though I used to lift heavy ass weights I never concentrated on cardio and diet . I used to gorge on a lot of oily foods thinking that all the calories will wash out in my workout.
I started seeing changes in my muscle mass but definition was never seen and I never found out why,,, so I came to a conclusion that my genes are making me bulky and stopped the workout after sweating out for 8 months and my stress almost vanished.
I was happy with my beefed up body weighing at 80kg seeing my filled up shirts and stress free life,,,though I stopped working out I never stopped my passion towards food and continued my gorging and never noticed the flab of fat covering up my muscles slowly making my beefed up body into a flabby bag and very soon I was at a weight of 86kg.
Soon I started my postgraduate studies and found out a good gym nearby and made a subscription to it and started hitting the gym at a starting weight of 86 kg and this is where I realized the the importance of cardio when once I started doing it. I found my stamina increasing and my fat cells crying and my workout regimen is as follows:
Start with a 5 min warmup and stretching followed by 10-15 mins of high intensity cardio training mostly with resistance and 1 hour of weight training

Day 1 :chest and triceps
Day 2 : latissmus and biceps
Day 3 : shoulder and abs
Day 4 : rest
Day 5 : arms
Day 6 : legs and lowerbody
Day 7 : rest
And I added supplements for the first time to my workout with whey protein and aminoacids and my diet was as follows:
breakfast: a cup of oats with milk + 1 big banana + 2 servings of amino acid tab
snack 1: milk + 5 oats biscuits
lunch: rice with chicken/panneer(cottage cheese)
snack 2(pre workout) : 3 egg whites + 2 servings of amino acid tab
snack 3(post workout): whey protien shake + 3 egg whites
dinner : one cup of oats with milk
snack 4 (before sleep) : 250ml milk + 1 big banana.

And in a period of six months I came to a weight of 72 kg losing almost 14kg of fat from my body with packing a good amount of muscle with definition. I can see the changes in my body and glow in my face and am very much proud of it. There is a long way to go with my next target being  6 PACK ABS WHICH I AM GONNA GET VERY SOON.